Emerging Etiquette

How can we avoid AI future faux pas?

Emerging Etiquette is an advice guide for the AI era authored by the public.

At Emerging Etiquette, near future realities are treated as present day dilemmas.

We’re exploring what will become polite behavior in a society that is enmeshed with AI.

Want to offer advice on situations no one has ever experienced before? Each issue is authored by first-time advice columnists. Been in an awkward social situation? Curious about AI? You’re hired.

Our unusual onboarding process gets you badged, trained up, and assigned to a column.

Emerging Etiquette provides unusual advice requests screened by our oversight committee of AI researchers and philosophers. You provide your slowly simmered takes on the future. Together, we churn out advice columns to avoid AI future faux pas.
ISSUE 0 was workshopped in 2023. This project is currently in development.

AI is on the verge of radically reshaping life as we know it.

We could take a reactionary stance allowing AI to continue developing without public input. Or, we could try to speed up the sluggish cultural feedback loop that lags behind innovations in AI.

That’s what we’ve decided to put our minds to at Emerging Etiquette. What if we preemptively imagined social rules based on our values—could we shape AI applications for the future we desire? The future could be wacky and wonderful.

Emerging Etiquette makes it possible for us to write the terms of service we want for the future.

Rest assured, our guide handles just about every AI-activated situation you’ve never imagined staying up late at night worrying about. Advice requests waver somewhere between sticky and tricky; between unfathomable and on the verge of reality; and between downright absurd and positively hopeful.

Expansive in its scope, Emerging Etiquette covers everything from awkwardness in romantic relationships to convoluted global policies.

2022- Present

Institute For Comedic Inquiry

ISSUE 0 was workshopped in January- February 2023

ISSUE 0 was supported in part by a Regional Art & Culture Council Project Grant

ISSUE 0: Emerging Etiquette Team

Chief Experience Officer + Founding Editor: Laura Allcorn

Chief Automation Officer, AI Division: Arnie

Editorial Collage Design Director, Human Division: Nikole Gramm

Onboarding Poster Design Director, AI Division: Jeff Turkelson

Office Sound Design: Kevin Fink

ISSUE 0: AI Advice Request Oversight Committee

Christof Teuscher, Portland State University

Avram Hiller, Portland State University

Alex Sager, Portland State University

Adam K. Pham, CalTech

Josh Fost, Minerva University

Jennifer Edmond, Trinity College Dublin